KG group has always been and is the major driving force in the advancement of the socio-economic development of the region through various channels.We believe in the necessity to work in synergy with our employees,community and locale.

Employment and Labor Welfare

We strictly adhere to labor laws -Employment state insurance scheme, government savings plans and provide optimum employee benefits and health insurance policy. We also provide necessary assistance to all our employees in medical treatments and higher education for their children.


The group governs schools for kindergarten, primary, secondary and higher-secondary education levels. KG College of Arts, Science, Engineering and Management has a carefully designed curriculum to empower students to meet the real challenges of their future after graduation thus shaping the future of our Nation.

Rural Development

KG Group plays a major role in the development of rural population by providing education, employment and health care services. More than half of the sixteen thousand employees are from rural areas and 70% of them are women. We have helped build class rooms in Panchayat schools near our factories. Rural health clinic provides free treatment and medicines.

Health Care Services

K. Govindaswamy Naidu Medical Trust governs KG Hospital. a forerunner in providing health care management, medical research and medical care conforming to international standards.The Hospital provided immediate emergency medical response during the serial bomb blasts in Coimbatore,1998.More than hundred victims received immediate medical care and treatment. Community Outreach Programs organize medical camps to provide affordable health care, increasing public health awareness by educating about latest development in medicine, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. Free medical treatments are provided for the poor. KG Hospital won the corporate Social responsibility Award for 2003-04 from The Energy & Resource Institute (TERI) in recognition of corporate citizenship and sustainable initiatives.


KG group believes in preserving and promoting traditional values that will endure in the modern era through arts and cultural activities. The group runs Sanskrit Vedic schools and music schools that nurture the importance of arts in life and contributes to renovation of temple architectures to preserve our heritage.